2012年2月28日 星期二

用 bochs 的反組譯功能來觀察保護模式程式碼

idt.S 從真實模式切換到保護模式再切回真實模式。 本篇主要討論切換模式時, jmp 的長相。 這是透過自己寫的 loader, 將 idt.com (idt.S) 載入到 0x7000:0x100, 再用 bochs 的 debug 反組譯 jmp 的程式碼。

  1 /*
2 ref: Orange'S:一个操作系统的实现
3 do the 5M memory r/w
4 */
5 /* chapter3/1/loader.S
7 Author: Wenbo Yang <solrex@gmail.com> <http://solrex.cn>
9 This file is part of the source code of book "Write Your Own OS with Free
10 and Open Source Software"
. Homepage @ <http://share.solrex.cn/WriteOS/>.
12 This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License; either
13 version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */
15 #include "pm.h"
17 .code16
18 .text
19 jmp LABEL_BEGIN /* jump over the .data section. */
21 /* NOTE! Wenbo-20080512: Actually here we put the normal .data section into
22 the .code section. For application SW, it is not allowed. However, we are
23 writing an OS. That is OK. Because there is no OS to complain about
24 that behavior. :) */
26 /* Global Descriptor Table */
27 LABEL_GDT: Descriptor 0, 0, 0
28 LABEL_DESC_NORMAL: Descriptor 0, 0xffff, DA_DRW # Normal descriptor is for back to real mode.
29 LABEL_DESC_CODE32: Descriptor 0, (SegCode32Len - 1), (DA_C + DA_32)
30 LABEL_DESC_CODE16: Descriptor 0, 0xffff, DA_C # 非一致程式碼段, 16
31 LABEL_DESC_DATA: Descriptor 0, DataLen-1, DA_DRW # Data
32 LABEL_DESC_STACK: Descriptor 0, TopOfStack, DA_DRWA+DA_32 # Stack, 32 位
33 LABEL_DESC_TEST: Descriptor 0x500000, 0xffff, DA_DRW
34 LABEL_DESC_VIDEO: Descriptor 0xB8000, 0xffff, DA_DRW
36 .set GdtLen, (. - LABEL_GDT) /* GDT Length */
38 GdtPtr: .2byte (GdtLen - 1) /* GDT Limit */
39 .4byte 0 /* GDT Base */
41 /* GDT Selector */
42 .set SelectorNormal, (LABEL_DESC_NORMAL - LABEL_GDT)
43 .set SelectorCode32, (LABEL_DESC_CODE32 - LABEL_GDT)
44 .set SelectorCode16, (LABEL_DESC_CODE16 - LABEL_GDT)
45 .set SelectorData, (LABEL_DESC_DATA - LABEL_GDT)
46 .set SelectorStack, (LABEL_DESC_STACK - LABEL_GDT)
47 .set SelectorTest, (LABEL_DESC_TEST - LABEL_GDT)
48 .set SelectorVideo, (LABEL_DESC_VIDEO - LABEL_GDT)
51 /* Program starts here. */
53 mov %cs, %ax /* Move code segment address(CS) to data segment */
54 mov %ax, %ds /* register(DS), ES and SS. Because we have */
55 mov %ax, %es /* embedded .data section into .code section in */
56 mov %ax, %ss /* the start(mentioned in the NOTE above). */
58 movw $0x100, %sp
59 nop
60 movw %ax, (LABEL_GO_BACK_TO_REAL+3) # modify segment value, indexed memory mode, ref professional aeesmbly language p 102.
61 movw %sp, (SPValueInRealMode)
64 /* Initialize 16-bits code segment descriptor. */
65 xor %eax, %eax
66 mov %cs, %ax
67 shl $4, %eax
68 addl $(LABEL_SEG_CODE16), %eax
69 movw %ax, (LABEL_DESC_CODE16 + 2)
70 shr $16, %eax
71 movb %al, (LABEL_DESC_CODE16 + 4)
72 movb %ah, (LABEL_DESC_CODE16 + 7)
74 /* Initialize 32-bits code segment descriptor. */
75 xor %eax, %eax
76 mov %cs, %ax
77 shl $4, %eax
78 addl $(LABEL_SEG_CODE32), %eax
79 movw %ax, (LABEL_DESC_CODE32 + 2)
80 shr $16, %eax
81 movb %al, (LABEL_DESC_CODE32 + 4)
82 movb %ah, (LABEL_DESC_CODE32 + 7)
84 # initialize data segment descriptor
85 xor %eax, %eax
86 mov %ds, %ax
87 shl $4, %eax
88 addl $(LABEL_DATA), %eax
89 movw %ax, (LABEL_DESC_DATA + 2)
90 shr $16, %eax
91 movb %al, (LABEL_DESC_DATA + 4)
92 movb %ah, (LABEL_DESC_DATA + 7)
94 # initialize stack segment descriptor
95 xor %eax, %eax
96 mov %ds, %ax
97 shl $4, %eax
98 addl $(LABEL_STACK), %eax
99 movw %ax, (LABEL_DESC_STACK + 2)
100 shr $16, %eax
101 movb %al, (LABEL_DESC_STACK + 4)
102 movb %ah, (LABEL_DESC_STACK + 7)
104 /* Prepared for loading GDTR */
105 xor %eax, %eax
106 mov %ds, %ax
107 shl $4, %eax
108 add $(LABEL_GDT), %eax /* eax <- gdt base*/
109 movl %eax, (GdtPtr + 2)
111 movb $'Z', _SavedIDTR
113 # mov $0xb800,%ax
114 # mov %ax,%gs
115 # mov $0xa,%ah
116 # mov _SavedIDTR,%al
117 # mov %ax,%gs:((80*0)*2)
119 /* Load GDTR(Global Descriptor Table Register) */
120 lgdtw GdtPtr
122 /* Clear Interrupt Flags */
123 cli
125 /* Open A20 line. */
126 inb $0x92, %al
127 orb $0b00000010, %al
128 outb %al, $0x92
130 /* Enable protect mode, PE bit of CR0. */
131 movl %cr0, %eax
132 orl $1, %eax
133 movl %eax, %cr0
135 /* Mixed-Size Jump. */
136 ljmp $SelectorCode32, $0 /* Thanks to earthengine@gmail, I got */
137 /* this mixed-size jump insn of gas. */
138 /* this calls far jump (ptr 16:32) in intel manual) */
140 LABEL_REAL_ENTRY: # 從保護模式跳回到實模式就到了這裡
141 mov %cs, %ax
142 mov %ax, %ds
143 mov %ax, %es
144 mov %ax, %ss
146 # mov sp, [SPValueInRealMode]
147 movw (SPValueInRealMode), %sp
149 # movb $0xc, %ah
150 # movb _SavedIDTR, %al
152 mov $0xb800,%ax
153 mov %ax,%gs
154 mov $0xc,%ah
155 mov _SavedIDTR,%al
156 #mov $'U',%al
157 mov %ax,%gs:((80*0+39)*2)
161 in $0x92, %al
162 and $0b11111101, %al # close A20 line
163 out %al, $0x92
165 sti # 開中斷
166 jmp .
168 mov $0x4c00, %ax
169 int $0x21 # 回到 DOS
170 # END of .code16
173 .code32
175 mov $(SelectorData), %ax
176 mov %ax, %ds # 資料段選擇子
177 mov $(SelectorTest), %ax
178 mov %ax, %es # 測試段選擇子
184 mov $(SelectorStack), %ax
185 mov %ax, %ss # 堆疊段選擇子
187 mov $(TopOfStack), %esp
189 mov $(SelectorVideo), %ax
190 mov %ax, %gs /* Video segment selector(dest) */
192 movl $2, %edi
193 movb $0xC, %ah # 0000: Black Back 1100: Red Front
194 movb $'8', %al
195 movw %ax, %gs:(%edi)
197 ljmpl $SelectorCode16,$0
198 # jmpl $SelectorCode16,$0 # it works
200 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
201 TestRead:
202 xor %esi, %esi
203 mov $8, %ecx
204 .loop:
205 mov %es:(%esi), %al
206 call DispAL
207 inc %esi
208 loop .loop
209 call DispReturn
211 ret
212 # TestRead 結束-----------------------------------------------------------
215 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
216 TestWrite:
217 pushl %esi
218 pushl %edi
219 xor %esi, %esi
220 xor %edi, %edi
221 mov $(OffsetStrTest), %esi # data offset
222 cld # Clear Direction Flag, ref: http://www.fermi.mn.it/linux/quarta/x86/cld.htm
223 # After CLD is executed, string operations will increment the index
224 # (SI and/or DI) that they use.
225 .6:
226 lodsb # For legacy mode, Load byte at address DS:(E)SI into AL.
227 # For 64-bit mode load byte at address (R)SI into AL.
228 # ref: http://siyobik.info/main/reference/instruction/LODS%2FLODSB%2FLODSW%2FLODSD%2FLODSQ
230 test %al, %al
231 jz .5 # zf = 1 jump
232 # mov [es:edi], al
233 mov %al, %es:(%edi)
234 inc %edi
235 jmp .6
236 .5:
238 popl %edi
239 popl %esi
240 ret
241 # TestWrite 結束----------------------------------------------------------
244 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
245 # 顯示 AL 中的數字
246 # 默認地:
247 # 數字已經存在 AL 中
248 # edi 始終指向要顯示的下一個字元的位置
249 # 被改變的暫存器:
250 # ax, edi
251 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
252 DispAL:
253 pushl %ecx
254 pushl %edx
256 movb $0x0c, %ah # 0000: 黑底 1100: 紅字
257 movb %al, %dl
258 shr $4, %al
259 movl $2, %ecx
260 .begin:
261 andb $0x0f, %al
262 cmp $9, %al
263 ja .3 # cf=0, zf=0, above 9 (>9)
264 #addb $'0', %al
265 addb $0x30, %al
266 jmp .4
267 .3:
268 sub $0x0A, %al
269 #add $'A', %al
270 add $0x41, %al
271 .4:
272 #mov [gs:edi], ax
273 mov %ax, %gs:(%edi)
274 add $2, %edi
276 mov %dl, %al
277 loop .begin
278 add $2, %edi
280 popl %edx
281 popl %ecx
283 ret
284 # DispAL 結束-------------------------------------------------------------
287 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
288 DispReturn:
289 pushl %eax
290 pushl %ebx
291 mov %edi, %eax
292 movb $160, %bl
293 divb %bl # %eax/160, 商 al, 餘數 ah.
294 and $0x0FF, %eax
295 inc %eax # ++ %eax
296 mov $160, %bl
297 mul %bl
298 mov %eax, %edi
299 popl %ebx
300 popl %eax
301 ret
302 # DispReturn 結束---------------------------------------------------------
304 /*
305 kmain:
306 pushl %ebp
307 movl %esp, %ebp
308 popl %ebp
309 ret
310 .size kmain, .-kmain
311 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.5.2-8ubuntu4) 4.5.2"
312 */
313 # .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
316 /* Get the length of 32-bit segment code. */
317 .set SegCode32Len, . - LABEL_SEG_CODE32
319 #[SECTION .data1] ; 資料段
320 #ALIGN 32
321 #[BITS 32]
323 SPValueInRealMode: .2byte 0x0
324 _SavedIDTR: .4byte 0x12345678
325 _SavedIDTR__: .4byte 0xabcdef35
326 .set saved_idtr_offset, (. - LABEL_DATA)
327 _SavedIMREG: .byte 0x0
328 .set saved_imreg_offset, (. - LABEL_DATA)
329 # string
330 PMMessage: .ascii "In Protect Mode now. ^-^\0" # 在保護模式中顯示
331 .set OffsetPMMessage, (PMMessage - LABEL_DATA)
332 #StrTest: .ascii "B\0"
334 #OffsetStrTest equ StrTest - $$
335 .set OffsetStrTest , (StrTest - LABEL_DATA)
336 #DataLen equ $ - LABEL_DATA
337 .set DataLen, . - LABEL_DATA
338 /* 32-bit global stack segment. */
340 .space 512, 0
341 .set TopOfStack, (. - LABEL_STACK - 1)
343 # END of [SECTION .data1]
347 .code16
348 #jmp .
349 # back to real mode
350 mov $SelectorNormal, %ax
351 mov %ax, %ds
352 mov %ax, %es
353 mov %ax, %fs
354 mov %ax, %gs
355 mov %ax, %ss
357 mov %cr0, %eax
358 and $0b11111110, %al
359 mov %eax, %cr0
363 #.2byte 0xea66
364 #.4byte 0x00000000
365 #.2byte LABEL_REAL_ENTRY
366 jmp $0, $LABEL_REAL_ENTRY # 段位址會在程序開始處被設置成正確的值
369 .set Code16Len, . - LABEL_SEG_CODE16

在 bochs 設定檔加入
debugger_log: debugger.out
就可將 bochs 操作過程存到 debugger.out

173 (0) [0x00000000000701fd] 7000:000001fd (unk. ctxt): ljmp 0010:0000 ; ea00001000
136     ljmp $SelectorCode32, $0       /* Thanks to earthengine@gmail, I got */

這裡從真實模式轉到保護模式, 0x0010 已經是 selector, 指到 LABEL_SEG_CODE32:, 所以接下來的程式碼從這裡開始

對應的就是 idt.S
175  mov $(SelectorData), %ax

而 SelectorData 32 = 0x20, 符合 bochs 反組譯 l:176 的結果。
176 (0) [0x0000000000070228] 0010:00000000 (unk. ctxt): movw $0x0020, %ax         ; 66b82000

215 (0) [0x0000000000070252] 0010:0000002a (unk. ctxt): ljmp 0018:00000000 ; ea000000001800
197     ljmpl     $SelectorCode16,$0

這裡切到 .code16 的 LABEL_SEG_CODE16:, 雖然還在保護模式, 不過這裡已經是 16 bit 程式碼

245 (0) [0x0000000000070523] 0018:0015 (unk. ctxt): ljmp 7000:0202 ; ea02020070
366     jmp     $0, $LABEL_REAL_ENTRY      # 段位址會在程序開始處被設置成正確的值

這是從保護模式切回真實模式, 0x7000 是真實模式的 segment, 不再是 selector

bochs debugger.out
  1 Next at t=0
2 (0) [0x00000000fffffff0] f000:fff0 (unk. ctxt): jmp far f000:e05b ; ea5be000f0
3 vb 0x7000:0x100
4 c
5 (3217570324) Breakpoint 3217568584, in 7000:0100 (0x00070100)
6 Next at t=175332956
7 (0) [0x0000000000070100] 7000:0100 (unk. ctxt): jmp .+70 (0x00070148) ; eb46
8 n
9 Next at t=175332957
10 (0) [0x0000000000070148] 7000:0148 (unk. ctxt): mov ax, cs ; 8cc8
11 n
12 Next at t=175332958
13 (0) [0x000000000007014a] 7000:014a (unk. ctxt): mov ds, ax ; 8ed8
14 u switch-mode
15 n
16 Next at t=175332959
17 (0) [0x000000000007014c] 7000:014c (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %es ; 8ec0
18 n
19 Next at t=175332960
20 (0) [0x000000000007014e] 7000:014e (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %ss ; 8ed0
21 n
22 Next at t=175332961
23 (0) [0x0000000000070150] 7000:0150 (unk. ctxt): movw $0x0100, %sp ; bc0001
24 n
25 Next at t=175332962
26 (0) [0x0000000000070153] 7000:0153 (unk. ctxt): nop ; 90
27 n
28 Next at t=175332963
29 (0) [0x0000000000070154] 7000:0154 (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %ds:0x526 ; a32605
30 n
31 Next at t=175332964
32 (0) [0x0000000000070157] 7000:0157 (unk. ctxt): movw %sp, %ds:0x2cf ; 8926cf02
33 n
34 Next at t=175332965
35 (0) [0x000000000007015b] 7000:015b (unk. ctxt): xorl %eax, %eax ; 6631c0
36 n
37 Next at t=175332966
38 (0) [0x000000000007015e] 7000:015e (unk. ctxt): movw %cs, %ax ; 8cc8
39 n
40 Next at t=175332967
41 (0) [0x0000000000070160] 7000:0160 (unk. ctxt): shll $0x04, %eax ; 66c1e004
42 n
43 Next at t=175332968
44 (0) [0x0000000000070164] 7000:0164 (unk. ctxt): addl $0x0000050e, %eax ; 66050e050000
45 n
46 Next at t=175332969
47 (0) [0x000000000007016a] 7000:016a (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %ds:0x11c ; a31c01
48 n
49 Next at t=175332970
50 (0) [0x000000000007016d] 7000:016d (unk. ctxt): shrl $0x10, %eax ; 66c1e810
51 n
52 Next at t=175332971
53 (0) [0x0000000000070171] 7000:0171 (unk. ctxt): movb %al, %ds:0x11e ; a21e01
54 n
55 Next at t=175332972
56 (0) [0x0000000000070174] 7000:0174 (unk. ctxt): movb %ah, %ds:0x121 ; 88262101
57 n
58 Next at t=175332973
59 (0) [0x0000000000070178] 7000:0178 (unk. ctxt): xorl %eax, %eax ; 6631c0
60 n
61 Next at t=175332974
62 (0) [0x000000000007017b] 7000:017b (unk. ctxt): movw %cs, %ax ; 8cc8
63 n
64 Next at t=175332975
65 (0) [0x000000000007017d] 7000:017d (unk. ctxt): shll $0x04, %eax ; 66c1e004
66 n
67 Next at t=175332976
68 (0) [0x0000000000070181] 7000:0181 (unk. ctxt): addl $0x00000228, %eax ; 660528020000
69 n
70 Next at t=175332977
71 (0) [0x0000000000070187] 7000:0187 (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %ds:0x114 ; a31401
72 n
73 Next at t=175332978
74 (0) [0x000000000007018a] 7000:018a (unk. ctxt): shrl $0x10, %eax ; 66c1e810
75 n
76 Next at t=175332979
77 (0) [0x000000000007018e] 7000:018e (unk. ctxt): movb %al, %ds:0x116 ; a21601
78 n
79 Next at t=175332980
80 (0) [0x0000000000070191] 7000:0191 (unk. ctxt): movb %ah, %ds:0x119 ; 88261901
81 n
82 Next at t=175332981
83 (0) [0x0000000000070195] 7000:0195 (unk. ctxt): xorl %eax, %eax ; 6631c0
84 n
85 Next at t=175332982
86 (0) [0x0000000000070198] 7000:0198 (unk. ctxt): movw %ds, %ax ; 8cd8
87 n
88 Next at t=175332983
89 (0) [0x000000000007019a] 7000:019a (unk. ctxt): shll $0x04, %eax ; 66c1e004
90 n
91 Next at t=175332984
92 (0) [0x000000000007019e] 7000:019e (unk. ctxt): addl $0x000002cf, %eax ; 6605cf020000
93 n
94 Next at t=175332985
95 (0) [0x00000000000701a4] 7000:01a4 (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %ds:0x124 ; a32401
96 n
97 Next at t=175332986
98 (0) [0x00000000000701a7] 7000:01a7 (unk. ctxt): shrl $0x10, %eax ; 66c1e810
99 n
100 Next at t=175332987
101 (0) [0x00000000000701ab] 7000:01ab (unk. ctxt): movb %al, %ds:0x126 ; a22601
102 n
103 Next at t=175332988
104 (0) [0x00000000000701ae] 7000:01ae (unk. ctxt): movb %ah, %ds:0x129 ; 88262901
105 n
106 Next at t=175332989
107 (0) [0x00000000000701b2] 7000:01b2 (unk. ctxt): xorl %eax, %eax ; 6631c0
108 n
109 Next at t=175332990
110 (0) [0x00000000000701b5] 7000:01b5 (unk. ctxt): movw %ds, %ax ; 8cd8
111 n
112 Next at t=175332991
113 (0) [0x00000000000701b7] 7000:01b7 (unk. ctxt): shll $0x04, %eax ; 66c1e004
114 n
115 Next at t=175332992
116 (0) [0x00000000000701bb] 7000:01bb (unk. ctxt): addl $0x0000030e, %eax ; 66050e030000
117 n
118 Next at t=175332993
119 (0) [0x00000000000701c1] 7000:01c1 (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %ds:0x12c ; a32c01
120 n
121 Next at t=175332994
122 (0) [0x00000000000701c4] 7000:01c4 (unk. ctxt): shrl $0x10, %eax ; 66c1e810
123 n
124 Next at t=175332995
125 (0) [0x00000000000701c8] 7000:01c8 (unk. ctxt): movb %al, %ds:0x12e ; a22e01
126 n
127 Next at t=175332996
128 (0) [0x00000000000701cb] 7000:01cb (unk. ctxt): movb %ah, %ds:0x131 ; 88263101
129 n
130 Next at t=175332997
131 (0) [0x00000000000701cf] 7000:01cf (unk. ctxt): xorl %eax, %eax ; 6631c0
132 n
133 Next at t=175332998
134 (0) [0x00000000000701d2] 7000:01d2 (unk. ctxt): movw %ds, %ax ; 8cd8
135 n
136 Next at t=175332999
137 (0) [0x00000000000701d4] 7000:01d4 (unk. ctxt): shll $0x04, %eax ; 66c1e004
138 n
139 Next at t=175333000
140 (0) [0x00000000000701d8] 7000:01d8 (unk. ctxt): addl $0x00000102, %eax ; 660502010000
141 n
142 Next at t=175333001
143 (0) [0x00000000000701de] 7000:01de (unk. ctxt): movl %eax, %ds:0x144 ; 66a34401
144 n
145 Next at t=175333002
146 (0) [0x00000000000701e2] 7000:01e2 (unk. ctxt): movb $0x5a, %ds:0x2d1 ; c606d1025a
147 n
148 Next at t=175333003
149 (0) [0x00000000000701e7] 7000:01e7 (unk. ctxt): lgdt %ds:0x142 ; 0f01164201
150 n
151 Next at t=175333004
152 (0) [0x00000000000701ec] 7000:01ec (unk. ctxt): cli ; fa
153 n
154 Next at t=175333005
155 (0) [0x00000000000701ed] 7000:01ed (unk. ctxt): inb $0x92, %al ; e492
156 n
157 Next at t=175333006
158 (0) [0x00000000000701ef] 7000:01ef (unk. ctxt): orb $0x02, %al ; 0c02
159 n
160 Next at t=175333007
161 (0) [0x00000000000701f1] 7000:01f1 (unk. ctxt): outb %al, $0x92 ; e692
162 n
163 Next at t=175333008
164 (0) [0x00000000000701f3] 7000:01f3 (unk. ctxt): movl %cr0, %eax ; 0f20c0
165 n
166 Next at t=175333009
167 (0) [0x00000000000701f6] 7000:01f6 (unk. ctxt): orl $0x00000001, %eax ; 6683c801
168 n
169 Next at t=175333010
170 (0) [0x00000000000701fa] 7000:01fa (unk. ctxt): movl %eax, %cr0 ; 0f22c0
171 n
172 Next at t=175333011
173 (0) [0x00000000000701fd] 7000:000001fd (unk. ctxt): ljmp 0010:0000 ; ea00001000 # 這裡從真實模式轉到保護模式, 0x0010 已經是 selector, 指到 LABEL_SEG_CODE32:, 所以接下來的程式碼從這裡開始
174 n
175 Next at t=175333012
176 (0) [0x0000000000070228] 0010:00000000 (unk. ctxt): movw $0x0020, %ax ; 66b82000
177 n
178 Next at t=175333013
179 (0) [0x000000000007022c] 0010:00000004 (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %ds ; 8ed8
180 n
181 Next at t=175333014
182 (0) [0x000000000007022e] 0010:00000006 (unk. ctxt): movw $0x0030, %ax ; 66b83000
183 n
184 Next at t=175333015
185 (0) [0x0000000000070232] 0010:0000000a (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %es ; 8ec0
186 n
187 Next at t=175333016
188 (0) [0x0000000000070234] 0010:0000000c (unk. ctxt): movw $0x0028, %ax ; 66b82800
189 n
190 Next at t=175333017
191 (0) [0x0000000000070238] 0010:00000010 (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %ss ; 8ed0
192 n
193 Next at t=175333018
194 (0) [0x000000000007023a] 0010:00000012 (unk. ctxt): movl $0x000001ff, %esp ; bcff010000
195 n
196 Next at t=175333019
197 (0) [0x000000000007023f] 0010:00000017 (unk. ctxt): movw $0x0038, %ax ; 66b83800
198 n
199 Next at t=175333020
200 (0) [0x0000000000070243] 0010:0000001b (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %gs ; 8ee8
201 n
202 Next at t=175333021
203 (0) [0x0000000000070245] 0010:0000001d (unk. ctxt): movl $0x00000002, %edi ; bf02000000
204 n
205 Next at t=175333022
206 (0) [0x000000000007024a] 0010:00000022 (unk. ctxt): movb $0x0c, %ah ; b40c
207 n
208 Next at t=175333023
209 (0) [0x000000000007024c] 0010:00000024 (unk. ctxt): movb $0x38, %al ; b038
210 n
211 Next at t=175333024
212 (0) [0x000000000007024e] 0010:00000026 (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %gs:(%edi) ; 65668907
213 n
214 Next at t=175333025
215 (0) [0x0000000000070252] 0010:0000002a (unk. ctxt): ljmp 0018:00000000 ; ea000000001800 # 這裡切到 .code16 的 LABEL_SEG_CODE16:, 雖然還在保護模式, 不過這裡已經是 16 bit 程式碼
216 n
217 Next at t=175333026
218 (0) [0x000000000007050e] 0018:00000000 (unk. ctxt): movw $0x0008, %ax ; b80800
219 n
220 Next at t=175333027
221 (0) [0x0000000000070511] 0018:00000003 (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %ds ; 8ed8
222 n
223 Next at t=175333028
224 (0) [0x0000000000070513] 0018:00000005 (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %es ; 8ec0
225 n
226 Next at t=175333029
227 (0) [0x0000000000070515] 0018:00000007 (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %fs ; 8ee0
228 n
229 Next at t=175333030
230 (0) [0x0000000000070517] 0018:00000009 (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %gs ; 8ee8
231 n
232 Next at t=175333031
233 (0) [0x0000000000070519] 0018:0000000b (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %ss ; 8ed0
234 n
235 Next at t=175333032
236 (0) [0x000000000007051b] 0018:0000000d (unk. ctxt): movl %cr0, %eax ; 0f20c0
237 n
238 Next at t=175333033
239 (0) [0x000000000007051e] 0018:00000010 (unk. ctxt): andb $0xfe, %al ; 24fe
240 n
241 Next at t=175333034
242 (0) [0x0000000000070520] 0018:00000012 (unk. ctxt): movl %eax, %cr0 ; 0f22c0
243 n
244 Next at t=175333035
245 (0) [0x0000000000070523] 0018:0015 (unk. ctxt): ljmp 7000:0202 ; ea02020070 # 這是從保護模式切回真實模式, 0x7000 是真實模式的 segment, 不再是 selector
246 n
247 Next at t=175333036
248 (0) [0x0000000000070202] 7000:0202 (unk. ctxt): movw %cs, %ax ; 8cc8
249 n
250 Next at t=175333037
251 (0) [0x0000000000070204] 7000:0204 (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %ds ; 8ed8
252 n
253 Next at t=175333038
254 (0) [0x0000000000070206] 7000:0206 (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %es ; 8ec0
255 n
256 Next at t=175333039
257 (0) [0x0000000000070208] 7000:0208 (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %ss ; 8ed0
258 n
259 Next at t=175333040
260 (0) [0x000000000007020a] 7000:020a (unk. ctxt): movw %ds:0x2cf, %sp ; 8b26cf02
261 r
262 eax: 0x60007000 1610641408
263 ecx: 0x00000002 2
264 edx: 0x00000007 7
265 ebx: 0x00000001 1
266 esp: 0x000001ff 511
267 ebp: 0x0000ffea 65514
268 esi: 0x00000000 0
269 edi: 0x00000002 2
270 eip: 0x0000020a
271 eflags 0x00000002: id vip vif ac vm rf nt IOPL=0 of df if tf sf zf af pf cf
272 sreg
273 es:0x7000, dh=0x00009307, dl=0x0000ffff, valid=1
274 Data segment, base=0x00070000, limit=0x0000ffff, Read/Write, Accessed
275 cs:0x7000, dh=0x00009307, dl=0x0000ffff, valid=1
276 Data segment, base=0x00070000, limit=0x0000ffff, Read/Write, Accessed
277 ss:0x7000, dh=0x00009307, dl=0x0000ffff, valid=1
278 Data segment, base=0x00070000, limit=0x0000ffff, Read/Write, Accessed
279 ds:0x7000, dh=0x00009307, dl=0x0000ffff, valid=1
280 Data segment, base=0x00070000, limit=0x0000ffff, Read/Write, Accessed
281 fs:0x0008, dh=0x00009300, dl=0x0000ffff, valid=1
282 Data segment, base=0x00000000, limit=0x0000ffff, Read/Write, Accessed
283 gs:0x0008, dh=0x00009300, dl=0x0000ffff, valid=1
284 Data segment, base=0x00000000, limit=0x0000ffff, Read/Write, Accessed
285 ldtr:0x0000, dh=0x00008200, dl=0x0000ffff, valid=1
286 tr:0x0000, dh=0x00008b00, dl=0x0000ffff, valid=1
287 gdtr:base=0x00070102, limit=0x3f
288 idtr:base=0x00000000, limit=0x3ff
289 r
290 eax: 0x60007000 1610641408
291 ecx: 0x00000002 2
292 edx: 0x00000007 7
293 ebx: 0x00000001 1
294 esp: 0x000001ff 511
295 ebp: 0x0000ffea 65514
296 esi: 0x00000000 0
297 edi: 0x00000002 2
298 eip: 0x0000020a
299 eflags 0x00000002: id vip vif ac vm rf nt IOPL=0 of df if tf sf zf af pf cf
300 n
301 Next at t=175333041
302 (0) [0x000000000007020e] 7000:020e (unk. ctxt): movw $0xb800, %ax ; b800b8
303 r
304 eax: 0x60007000 1610641408
305 ecx: 0x00000002 2
306 edx: 0x00000007 7
307 ebx: 0x00000001 1
308 esp: 0x00000100 256
309 ebp: 0x0000ffea 65514
310 esi: 0x00000000 0
311 edi: 0x00000002 2
312 eip: 0x0000020e
313 eflags 0x00000002: id vip vif ac vm rf nt IOPL=0 of df if tf sf zf af pf cf
314 n
315 Next at t=175333042
316 (0) [0x0000000000070211] 7000:0211 (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %gs ; 8ee8
317 n
318 Next at t=175333043
319 (0) [0x0000000000070213] 7000:0213 (unk. ctxt): movb $0x0c, %ah ; b40c
320 n
321 Next at t=175333044
322 (0) [0x0000000000070215] 7000:0215 (unk. ctxt): movb %ds:0x2d1, %al ; a0d102
323 n
324 Next at t=175333045
325 (0) [0x0000000000070218] 7000:0218 (unk. ctxt): movw %ax, %gs:0x4e ; 65a34e00
326 n
327 Next at t=175333046
328 (0) [0x000000000007021c] 7000:021c (unk. ctxt): inb $0x92, %al ; e492
329 n
330 Next at t=175333047
331 (0) [0x000000000007021e] 7000:021e (unk. ctxt): andb $0xfd, %al ; 24fd
332 n
333 Next at t=175333048
334 (0) [0x0000000000070220] 7000:0220 (unk. ctxt): outb %al, $0x92 ; e692
335 n
336 Next at t=175333049
337 (0) [0x0000000000070222] 7000:0222 (unk. ctxt): sti ; fb
338 n
339 Next at t=175333050
340 (0) [0x0000000000070223] 7000:0223 (unk. ctxt): movw $0x4c00, %ax ; b8004c
341 n
342 Next at t=175333051
343 (0) [0x0000000000070226] 7000:0226 (unk. ctxt): int $0x21 ; cd21
344 n
345 Next at t=175333053
346 (0) [0x0000000000070228] 7000:0228 (unk. ctxt): movl $0xd88e0020, %eax ; 66b820008ed8
347 n
348 Next at t=175333054
349 (0) [0x000000000007022e] 7000:022e (unk. ctxt): movl $0xc08e0030, %eax ; 66b830008ec0
350 n
351 Next at t=175333055
352 (0) [0x0000000000070234] 7000:0234 (unk. ctxt): movl $0xd08e0028, %eax ; 66b828008ed0
353 n
354 Next at t=175333056
355 (0) [0x000000000007023a] 7000:023a (unk. ctxt): movw $0x01ff, %sp ; bcff01
356 n
357 Next at t=175333057
358 (0) [0x000000000007023d] 7000:023d (unk. ctxt): addb %al, %ds:(%bx,%si,1) ; 0000
359 n
360 Next at t=175333058
361 (0) [0x000000000007023f] 7000:023f (unk. ctxt): movl $0xe88e0038, %eax ; 66b838008ee8
362 n
363 Next at t=175333059
364 (0) [0x0000000000070245] 7000:0245 (unk. ctxt): movw $0x0002, %di ; bf0200
365 n
366 Next at t=175333060
367 (0) [0x0000000000070248] 7000:0248 (unk. ctxt): addb %al, %ds:(%bx,%si,1) ; 0000
368 n
369 Next at t=175333061
370 (0) [0x000000000007024a] 7000:024a (unk. ctxt): movb $0x0c, %ah ; b40c
371 n
372 Next at t=175333062
373 (0) [0x000000000007024c] 7000:024c (unk. ctxt): movb $0x38, %al ; b038
374 n
375 Next at t=175333063
376 (0) [0x000000000007024e] 7000:024e (unk. ctxt): movl %eax, %gs:(%bx,1) ; 65668907
377 n
378 Next at t=175333064
379 (0) [0x0000000000070252] 7000:0252 (unk. ctxt): ljmp 0000:0000 ; ea00000000
380 quit
381 (0).[175333064] [0x0000000000070252] 7000:0252 (unk. ctxt): ljmp 0000:0000 ; ea00000000



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