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2012年7月16日 星期一

tatos - usb infomation

完成度很高的 os, 我想參考其中 usb 的部份。在我的 eeepc 904 可以使用 sd 卡開機, 比我的 usb 軟碟先進多了 (後來才發現, 原來 int 0x13 也可以讀取 eeepc 904 上的 sd 及 usb storage)。

tatOS is a hobby operating system for assembly language programmers. A main feature of tatOS is a protected mode driver for USB flash drives.

Graphics are 800x600x8bpp (256 color) double buffer. Includes drivers for ps/2 keyboard and usb mouse.

Can read/write usb flash drive/key/stick using FAT16 file system.

The UHCI & EHCI usb controllers are supported.

Programs included with the tatOS distribution include: tedit (text editor), ttasm (assembler), tlib (graphics and utility functions) and many sample apps (fire, starfield, mandelbrot, minesweeper, tictactoe...).

tatOS is built with Nasm on Linux and boots from floppy or flash drive or cdrom. Heavily commented asm code is included. tatOS is developed by Tom Timmermann, Janesville Wisconsin USA.



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